Anastasia And The Nuclear Incident
Anastasia with her husband Ryan are sent to the Russian held Kuril Islands in the North Pacific Ocean to stop the UK being involved in a nuclear holocaust against the Russian Federation and China. They get aboard the UK aircraft carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth which is in the Sea of Okhotsk. On the opposite side of the Kuril Islands are a large number of Russian Federation and Chinese warships with submarines from both countries. Anastasia finds her Russian warship carrying two Thermonuclear Russian Federation ICBMs to the Kuril Islands with a number of undesirables. Anastasia and Ryan must rescue the wives of the abducted UK physicists, put them on a plane back to the UK before locating their husbands and stop a nuclear war. When Anastasia is captured by Russians, it is up to Ryan to save her and get her safely off a radioactive Russian warship before they fathom out who is telling the truth, who is not who they say they are. There is much more to this war and spy thriller than just a nuclear explosion, it goes back 500 years in the UK's past, and the French want their just revenge at all costs, even if they need to use the new USSR Uprising to initiate it. Anistasia is even more romantic than before and has a huge sexual appetite for her husband Ryan. With Anastasia taken seriously ill, there is nothing Ryan will not do to save her life and that includes taking her to Paris in one of their Mikhailov latest Orbs as ten time the speed of sound. The in depth romance between Anastasia and Ryan, the love they have for each other, their sexual feelings towards each other have all the makings for a spy novel with plenty of action, and of course, total destruction. This is a fast page turner, it spans the UK's past and its future; the UK Government when their backs are against the wall, realise just who they can count on, who they cannot and right now, the USA is not one of them and neither is their CIA. When all war is threatened and the UK is under threat of annihilation, Anastasia is put in charge of its Royal Navy surface ships and its submarines. Anastasia is not frightened to order her captains to kill and sink other Russian ships in the process as with Ryan they discover who their traitor is and Anastasia does not disappoint when her family come under threat. If it is war the USSR wish, then Anastasia will use every weapon at her disposal to put her enemies down. Ryan is asked to form a new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse group by his father and The Omega to continue the former Horsemen's work as they start a new journey. Ryan is not about to enter Eternity unless Anastasia walks by his side. Back home on their ranch in Australia, others in the new USSR uprising are planning against them. MI6 request Anastasia and her husband's help once again. This is the second book in the Anastasia Spy Series of ten books. The end of this book, takes us into the beginning of the next episode as Anastasia, the most hated and wanted Spy in Russia walks into da
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