Conquering Apartheid, Prejudice And Adversity My Reflections: From Rhodesia To Zimbabwe And Beyond by Francis Cohen
From his early childhood in a small mining village called Farvic in Southern Rhodesia Francis Cohen born in 1953 of mixed race parenthood a white father and black mother takes you on a journey of twists and turns ups and downs a journey from humble beginnings as the first brown child amongst a sea of black village people, through a life of segregation, prejudice, Apartheid and adversity. A life from tranquil beginnings through to political and economic upheaval, war, peace and the challenges of immigrating to a new land only to experience subtle prejudice, cultural differences and life's challenges. It is an account of resilience, inner strength, positive thinking, hope, success in the face of adversity.
I have felt all the emotions. I have smiled, laughed out loud, cried, felt sadness, shock and frustration. It is so beautifully written and warmed my heart. It is both inspiring and enlightening, helping me understand things of which I was completely ignorant.
This book is like fiction. People will argue how it is possible for a man to go through all this and come out seemingly unscathed.
Genre: Life Stories
Book Length: 320-650 Pages